Howto: Measure the success of the opt-in process!

The foundation for successful web push marketing is having the best possible recipient base. Therefore, Signalize provides an overview of the subscriber status on the overview page:

Here you can see on the one hand the total number of subscribers, the number of new subscribers of the current tag and the total opt-in rate in percent. The opt-in rate is calculated as follows:
Divide the number of registrations by the number of visitors who were invited and multiply the result by one hundred to get a percentage.

What opt-in rate is “normal”?

The average opt-in rate ranges between one and two percent in the short term. As a rule, the rate rises steadily and settles at five to ten percent after a period of six to twelve months.
On the one hand, the individual opt-in rate depends on the rate of return customers and on customer loyalty; on the other hand, however, the design of the registration process and the wording in the associated dialogs is also a significant factor.

Detailed analysis of subscription performance

Actions to increase push subscribers should be data-driven. For this purpose, Signalize offers very sophisticated evaluation options via events in conjunction with etracker. All components of the opt-in and pop-up dialog are measured fully automatically via events, so you can evaluate every little detail of the sign-up process.

The associated events can be evaluated in the event report, which can be found under 01 Basic Reports → Content → Events, where the KPIs for the opt-in dialog and the pop-up are available under the “Web Push” category.
By default, you can see how many visitors interacted with the two dialogs how often:

To find out which individual elements were clicked on in each case, now add the “Action” segment via the segmentation:

Now the respective dialogs can be examined even more granularly:

What exactly is hidden behind each action is shown in the following list:

Opt-In Dialog Evaluation – Actions & Meaning

opt-in dialog openOpt-In Dialog wird angezeigt
user blocks opt-in dialog for sessionOpt-In Dialog wird vom Nutzer für die Session über das X oder die ESC-Taste auf der Tastatur geblockt
user blocks opt-in dialog foreverOpt-In wird vom User über den Ablehnungs-Button (hier Nicht zulassen) für immer abgelehnt

Pop-Up Dialog Evaluation – Actions & Meaning

popup opensPop-Up Dialog wird angezeigt
web push status set to grantedDas Opt-In wird im Pop-Up Dialog über den Button “Zulassen” (je nach Browser unterschiedlich) bestätigt.
web push status set to closedDas Pop-Up wird über das X des Fensters geschlossen
web push status set to deniedDas Opt-In wird im Pop-Up über de Button “Ablehnen” (je nach Browser unterschiedlich) abgelehnt
web push status set to defaultDas Pop-Up wird über das X des nativen Browser Dialogs geschlossen (im Firefox “Nicht jetzt”)

